Monday, June 10, 2013

Alumna in the Spotlight: Anais Sori, M.A.

Current Occupation: Marketing Manager
Title: Social Media Manager/Online Marketing Consultant
Academy at Coral Reef High School: VPA, Orchestra: Violin 

Favorite Memory/Activity about the Reef: Daily Lunch and Breakfast with the usual crew. DJ party at Lunch hour. Floating around visiting the diverse groups of friends I had everywhere. There's so much I can list here. My high school experience was like non-other. I am truly grateful to say I loved high school. 

After graduation: Soon after graduation I went to a concert at Al Lopez Park to celebrate Inauguration Day of Dominican Republic before packing up my car and driving into the next chapter of my life--college. I attended the University of South Florida and graduated in 2007 with my B.A. in English, Creative Writing. After what seems like a career as an intern, I finally got my first permanent position at the Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU) where I worked for the HACU National Internship program in Washington, D.C. While working for HACU I completed my Master of Arts degree program in Strategic Communications. My experience at HACU coupled with my under graduate and graduate degrees lead me to chapter two of life after high school--career. For the last eight years I have been a social media marketing consultant and manager helping small and large businesses or organizations achieve their goals with online marketing. 

This past year I had the honor to use what I have learned about web content, social media, and email marketing to spread the word about our 10 year class reunion. After all the years of hard work and learning it was an absolute treat to finally give back to the class of 2003. Thank you for being my friends, my classmates, and teachers. As alumni of Coral Reef High School we have something special within us and all around us. That special something is what brought us back together in 2013 and it will always keep us together. Once again we united as one to celebrate our lives. We celebrated the happiness we once had as children, as teenagers, and as young adults who perhaps had the best high school experience there ever was. I look forward to seeing who plans our 15th or 20th year reunion and helping them communicate their efforts as we did in 2013.
Get connected with me! 
Twitter and Instagram: @DigitalSori 

Click to read more alumni stories and find out how to submit your own! Visit the post: Alumni in the Spotlight, Will it be you?

Update your contact information when you click: Submit Your Contact Info and help future organizers find you!

For anyone who will step up to the plate and plan our next reunion: 
I'm here to support you! is my gift to the Class of 2003 and all CRHS Alumni. A place where our legacy's will live on forever. Keep sharing your alumni stories. We have many stories to tell and lots of time to tell them. Let me know if you want an email address at or to communicate when you plan our next reunion. Send content for to to update our class on what's happening with our reunion. Encourage classmates to update their contact info so you can send out invitations or email updates regarding our reunion. Not every one is on Facebook and we never know how long Facebook will be the top social media platform.  If you need the Coral Reef High School Alumni Association PayPal account to help you manage reunion planning or our Eventbrite account, just ask! There are ways to set up multiple access so you can mange everything you need without having to re-create accounts that are already here for you. No need to re-invent the wheel! Save yourself time and let's support each other! 

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